(Re)thinking women from their role in intelligence: an approach to the dynamics that integrate women in glocal security and defense spaces.


Pamela Pirateque Perdomo (ed)
College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence


Women, Intelligence, Participation, Reivindication, Differential abilities, Escenarios masculinizados


This book is an academic effort to promote new approaches to the role of women in national intelligence, security and defense scenarios. This is based on the premise that their participation has been subject to rigid, inaccessible and masculinized contexts given the socio-historical conditions at local and international (glocal) levels. Each chapter explores the role of women's voices based on the (re)interpretation of the stereotypes that have been created around their recognition, contributions in different fields of study and characterization of their abilities. In the same way, it analyzes the generational changes that have influenced their inclusion in the discipline of Intelligence, together with the challenges and opportunities that revive the debate on their multifaceted role in spaces with high levels of uncertainty and volatility.

In this work, the reader will find the essential concepts for the critical study of the participation of women in institutions that are involved with state interests, becoming for those interested in a reference of analysis and reflection on this subject. Thus, its theoretical-academic foundation highlights the need for women's inclusion in strategic instances, those that are decisive for the protection of the State, safeguarding its vital interests and supporting assertive decision-making in times of war and peace.


  • Conceptual approach to intelligence and the role of women from its (re)knowledge and (de)construction of cultural and historical archetypes.
    Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, Ángela Gabriela Ramírez Muñoz, Kelly Stefanía Ulloa Sánchez
  • Women in Intelligence from a bibliometric analysis: theoretical references and gaps in academic production.
    Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, Santiago Alberto Reyes Acosta, Ana María Leguizamón Álvarez
  • A look at women knowledge creators: interdisciplinary contributions to the notions of intelligence and security.
    Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, Santiago Alberto Reyes Acosta, Kelly Stefanía Ulloa Sánchez
  • Characterization of military women in Colombian Intelligence: influencing factors and differential skills.
    Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, Ángela Gabriela Ramírez Muñoz, Kelly Stefanía Ulloa Sánchez
  • Women in international intelligence services: a key player in the historical evolution of the Intelligence Community
    Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, Natalia Alexandra Chaparro Betancourt, Ana María Leguizamón Álvarez
  • Generational changes of women in the history of Colombia and their incidence in military intelligence spaces.
    Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, Natalia Alexandra Chaparro Betancourt
  • A road under construction: challenges and opportunities for female officers and non-commissioned officers in Colombian Intelligence.
    Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, Ángela Gabriela Ramírez Muñoz, Kelly Stefanía Ulloa Sánchez


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Author Biographies

Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Master’s in strategic Intelligence from the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI). Professional in Politics and International Relations from the University Sergio Arboleda (Colombia). Advisor and researcher of the Department of Science, Technology, Research and Doctrine (DECTID) of the ESICI. Leader of the research lines of Development and Technological Innovation in Intelligence and State, Security and Multidimensional Defense of ESICI. He has worked as a teacher in the areas of: Strategic Intelligence, Research Seminars, Research Methodology and graduate work. Her areas of interest and research are: intelligence; strategic intelligence; security and defense; international security; conflict and peace; gender and security; and strategic communications. Main author and compiler of the book Strategic Communications (STRATCOM) and social media: its applicability for the post-Wesphalian world.

Ángela Gabriela Ramírez Muñoz, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Professional in International Relations from the University of Rosario with emphasis in security, peace and conflict. Master in Memory, Peace and Conflict at University of Rosario. She participated in the research project of the Colombian Observatory of Organized Crime (OCCO) A Criminal Peace Mapping the Murders of Ex-FARC Combatants, a study on criminal dynamics after the signing of the 2016 Peace Agreement between the Colombian State and the FARC-EP. He currently serves as a research assistant at the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI).

Santiago Alberto Reyes Acosta, University of Rosario

Professional in Political Science and Government from the University of Rosario (Colombia) with emphasis in Security, Peace and Conflict. She has a diploma in Gender Violence on the Road to Peace from the University of Rosario. She has had the opportunity to advise with academic products to decision making in the public and private sector. His areas of interest and research are oriented towards: public administration, geopolitics, strategic intelligence, history and philosophy. She worked as a research assistant at the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI) in the period 2021-2022.

Kelly Stefanía Ulloa Sánchez, Military University New Granada

Professional in International Relations and Political Studies at the Military University New Granada. She was a young researcher at the Universidad Militar in the project called Effects of illegal income on income distribution in Colombia, 2015-2019: a (re)estimation of the GINI index of the year 2022. Her areas of research interest are: politics and sociology, economics and society, culture and development, and security and defense.

Natalia Alexandra Chaparro Betancourt, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Candidate for a Master's degree in Strategic Intelligence from the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Colombian National Army. Professional in International Relations and Political Studies at the Military University Nueva Granada. Advisor and researcher in national security and defense, geopolitics and cyberintelligence.

Ana María Leguizamón Álvarez, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Candidate for a Master's degree in Strategic Intelligence. Professional in Government and International Relations from the Externado University of Colombia. She has participated in research centers of the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence and the Externado University of Colombia, leading and accompanying processes and realization of scientific products such as books and articles. He has also participated in research to measure and improve confidence in the Colombian National Police with the National Planning Department and has worked with civil society organizations, such as the Right Not to Obey in alliance with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, USAID and Save the Children, in tools and research on migration to measure and attack xenophobia. His areas of expertise are: strategic intelligence, security and defense, citizen security, migration, xenophobia and integration processes of migrant population.


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July 17, 2023


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How to Cite

Pirateque Perdomo, P. (2023). (Re)thinking women from their role in intelligence: an approach to the dynamics that integrate women in glocal security and defense spaces. AQUILA HARPYIA Publishing Label. https://libros.esici.edu.co/index.php/aqha/catalog/book/6