Strategic communications (STRATCOM) and social media: their applicability for the post-Wesphalian world.


Pamela Pirateque Perdomo
College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Vladimir Osorio Isaza
College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence


Strategic Communications, Social Media, Intelligence, Persuasion, Decision making, narratives


This book presents the importance of Strategic Communications (STRATCOM) and social media to generate ties of legitimacy, trust, credibility, recognition, reputation, good image and support with civil society or strategic actors. Mainly, in hybrid contexts characterized by an asymmetry that makes it difficult to understand phenomena, and where there is a common language that states that the central objective of each actor in changing and virtualized scenarios is: to persuade others to impose an agenda of interests. Battlefields in the post-Wesphalian era are not composed of physical spaces or military playgrounds, but rather involve gaseous and abstract environments where virtuality redefines the way power is exercised. The wars of the postmodern world are fought for the ability to transmit ideas, thoughts, points of view and beliefs above any other actor, strategic victory is achieved by co-opting target audiences and gaining their support.

This work becomes a point of reference to approach STRATCOM, starting from its use as a deterrence weapon, through a strategic communication model applicable to any actor that intends to monopolize intangible and mediatized spaces. Considering that each actor, among a wide range of legal and illegal actors, uses communications and social media as tools at their convenience, according to their objectives and capabilities.


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Author Biographies

Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Master in Strategic Intelligence from the University Institution School of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (Colombia), is a professional in Politics and International Relations of the University Sergio Arboleda (Colombia), is a scientific researcher of the research group CIGA, and advisor of the Department of Science, Technology, Research and Doctrine (DECTID) of the University Institution School of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano"; she is a university professor.

Vladimir Osorio Isaza, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Leader of the research group " Research Center in Asymmetric Warfare" (CIGA) of the University Institution School of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (Colombia), Master in Strategic Intelligence of the University Institution School of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (Colombia), specialist in Strategic Data Analytics, Konrad Lorenz University Foundation (Colombia), specialist in International Business from the University Libre de Colombia, Professional in International Business from the School of Business Administration (Colombia); advisor to the Department of Science, Technology, Research and Doctrine (DECTID) of the University Institution School of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" and university professor.


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December 16, 2021


Details about this monograph

ISBN-10 (02)


ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

Pirateque Perdomo, P., & Osorio Isaza, V. . (2021). Strategic communications (STRATCOM) and social media: their applicability for the post-Wesphalian world. AQUILA HARPYIA Publishing Label.