About the Press

The design, implementation and creation of the Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label of the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI) is constituted as the process of strengthening knowledge, research and culture through the dissemination of intellectual production generated by researchers, teachers, students, academics of the institution and external national and international authors. The editorial work contributes to the conservation and expansion of the university academic patrimony of ESICI, thanks to the enrichment and support to the academic management derived from formal and formative research.

The main purpose of the Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label is to deliver, disseminate or publish the results of quality intellectual production to the academic and research society at the national and international level.

The production of the Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label shows the results obtained in academic and research terms linked to the areas of intelligence and counterintelligence as generators of knowledge, to the growth of our society in the cultural and scientific fields that support institutional accreditation and make possible the establishment of a competitive plan based on the conditions of intellectual soundness that education and research in higher education institutions need.


Focus and Scope

The Editorial Seal Aquila Harpyia, is a peer-reviewed, open access academic publication edited by the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI) of the National Army of Colombia.

The Aquila Harpyia Publishing Company is in charge of disseminating the academic, scientific and research publications of ESICI's professors, students and researchers, as well as the different literary works of new authors from different university institutions at the national and international level. In this sense, the publishing house is aimed at the dissemination of products in the areas of: security and defense, strategic intelligence, economics, social and interdisciplinary sciences, counterintelligence, technology and development, history and philosophy, administration, or related according to national and international current affairs.


Editorial Policies

The purpose of ESICI's Aquila Harpyia Publishing House is focused on disseminating for the benefit of the national and international academic community, the research, artistic and cultural production in the areas of teaching and research in different fields of knowledge in intelligence, security, defense and social sciences among others, as well as literary works of new national and international writers.

  1. That ESICI's Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label and ESICI's Editorial Committee have been designated to select and publish the works that contribute to this purpose, bearing in mind that they must have the approval of the Academic Council.
  2. It welcomes and develops all editorial projects whose mission is to support and strengthen the intellectual, scientific and literary production generated at ESICI, and contributes to the dissemination and circulation of significant works for the social and cultural development of our academic community.
  3. That it is the responsibility of the Editorial Committee to evaluate and select, according to clear criteria of academic quality, efficiency, impartiality and transparency, the works to be published with the ESICI Aquila Harpyia Editorial Seal.
  4. Flexibility is important, that is, that the editorial products reflect the different changing aspects of knowledge, establishing a dialogue between multiple paradigms that present the worldviews of the academic community and the cultural diversity of the country.
  5. The Editorial Committee does not accept pressures for the publication of works that do not adapt to the established editorial criteria or to the projects under development approved by DECTID.
  6. It favors the publication of works by authors from the Military Forces, as long as they meet the required academic criteria.
  7. It has a clear sense of editorial identity and, for this purpose, establishes criteria for the management of design and layout, to ensure the aesthetic quality of the edition.
  8. It encourages alliances with other related editorial funds to advance projects, both editorial and promotional and distribution of publications.
  9. Likewise, the Aquila Harpyia Publishing House will ensure compliance with Law 44 of 1993, Decree 460 of 1995 and Law 44 of 1993, Art. 7, regarding legal deposit.
  10. It is the purpose of Aquila Harpyia Publishing House to edit, publish and market works with the best standards of content and presentation, in the different areas of research of the National Army, in collections and series with thematic coherence with the mission purposes of ESICI, from internal and external authors to the institution, with respect to copyright and relevance to the different academic, opinion, educational, business and society in general audiences.
  11. That it is convenient for those interested in publishing in the Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label to know the processes, evaluation deadlines, editorial preparation and publication, to which the works are submitted.
  12. Criteria should be established for the publications made by ESICI, and whose edition is not published through the Aquila Harpyia Publishing House during the contractual processes.
  13. Support all mechanisms proposed by ESICI's academic bodies to facilitate and encourage the creative processes of teachers, researchers and students.



  • Project academic and research achievements with a view to the recognition of ESICI in the country and abroad, in accordance with the stipulations of MINCIENCIAS.
  • Define guidelines for compliance with the policies and criteria of the Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label in order to guarantee the technical, academic and institutional quality of the editorial projects submitted for publication.
  • To encourage the intellectual production of teachers, students and researchers of the institution.
  • Serve as an instrument of projection and visualization, to record and disseminate the results of research carried out within the academic programs of ESICI.
  • Support the specific academic needs of teaching.
  • Participate and intervene in academic and research processes at national and international level.


Financed by

The Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label is an academic publication of the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI), which in turn belongs to the National Army of Colombia and, as a public entity, is financed with resources allocated by the National Government. In order to maintain its critical and independent character, the Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label does not accept funding from outside the ESICI for its operation.

Thus, the entire publication process of the Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label is completely free of charge for authors; there are no charges for the shipping, processing and publication of books or book chapters.


Open access, copyright and license for publication

The Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label and all its published contents are open access, with full recognition of the moral rights of the authors over their work. For its publication, the authors agree to assign the publication rights in favor of Aquila Harpyia Editorial Label in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivativeWorks.

Thus, authors and readers may copy and disseminate the book or book chapter in the final version published online by the Aquila Harpyia Publishing Label, as long as the author(s) of the book or book chapter are acknowledged and identified, no commercial use is made of the final published work, nor are derivative works or modified versions.